[Originally published November 6, 2012] In November of 2007, I was traveling the eastern coast of the Australian continent. I visited a place called Fraser Island. It is the largest sand island in the world. This place is magical. My current words can do it no justice, so I will quote myself from 2007:
An island made of sand, the largest in the world, where ancient trees of staggering height tower over smaller palms and luscious jungle ferns whose roots somehow grasp onto the soft sand floor and thrive off of the rich nutrients which are returned to the sand from their fellow plants. Crystal clear fresh water streams flow from equally pristine lakes located in the center of the island whose basins were filled by thousands of years of rainfall. Miles of uninhabited beaches are bordered by the soft turquoise blue water of the southern Pacific Ocean and guarded by hundreds of sharks and jellyfish waiting just off shore. The beauty that exists on this island seems to magically float on a bed of sand. This place seems impossible.
To read more about my two-day adventure on Fraser Island, visit the 2007 blog post here.
To figure out what The Big Trip Redux really is, go here.